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Vodoinstalater iz kanalizacijske cijevi izvukao tek rođeno štene (VIDEO)


Vlasnici su bili šokirani događajem

Štene od dva dana iz australske države Queensland zaglavilo se u cijevi koja se nalazi u kupatilu njegovog vlasnika.

Štene se u kupatilu našlo s kujicom i ostatkom legla, ali je spletom okolnosti propao kroz rešetku odvoda. Vlasnici su shvatili da ga nema tek kada je propao u kanalizaciju.

USA Today piše da je majka uspjela uhvatiti za rep jedno mladunče, ali ne i drugo koje se našlo u velikoj opasnosti.

Vlasnici su bili šokirani događajem, ali dovoljno prisebni da pozovu vodoinstalatera Josepha Egana. Majstor je najprije mislio da se radi o šali.


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???PUPPY RESCUE!!!??? This puppy fell down the floor drain in the bathroom and got stuck on the outlet side of the gully ? We were fortunate to locate the puppy in the drain and cut out the section of pipe it was stuck in. We were unable to pull it out by its feet so we had shake the pipe in a downward action in order for it to slide out. It was pretty amazing that this little fella lasted over an hour in the drain and still managed to survive. The litter of puppies were only 2 days old and did not have names yet. The kids wanted to call it ‘Lucky’ but the Dad said it would be called ‘Dollars’ because in his words “This puppy has cost me a shit load of money”. Although he did say it was money well spent ??? For all your plumbing and drainage needs contact The Brisbane Plumbers ?1300576388 Or visit our website ? https://thebrisbaneplumbers.com.au ?‍? we have an emergency plumber on call providing a after hours service 24/7 ?‍?

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“Tokom razgovora saznao sam da je situacija ozbiljna. U glasu žene prepoznao sam strah i shvatio da nije riječ o šali”, rekao je vodoinstalater.

Egon je brzo stigao u dom vlasnika. Prije nego što je započeo posao, uključio je kameru za snimanje cijevi kako bi utvrdio gdje se štene nalazi. Akcija spašavanja je snimljena, a video postao viralan na društvenim mrežama.

Kada je Egon locirao nesretno štene, izrezao je dio cijevi kako bi ga nježno izvukao iz zakrivljene šupljine. Preplašeno štene cijelo je vrijeme glasno cviljelo, a vodoinstalater ga je bez povreda izvukao na sigurno, piše Cesar's Way.


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???CHEERS PUPPY??? Thanks to this little legend of a puppy ‘Troopie’ who got stuck down the drain a fortnight ago. This picture was taken a few days after he was rescued. The business managed to get a fair bit of exposure from it which was awesome. We got a write up in the courier mail, air time with channel 9 news around the country and NZ, a interview on the channel 9 today show on World Plumbing Day (I actually missed the interview and slept in ?would of loved to have a chat with Karl and Ally) it has been shared on countless media platforms around the world from Japan, USA and the UK. Thanks to everyone that shared the footage and helped get some exposure ? For all your plumbing and drainage needs contact The Brisbane Plumbers ?1300576388 Or visit our website ? https://thebrisbaneplumbers.com.au ?‍? we have an emergency plumber on call providing a after hours service 24/7 ?‍?

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