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Prirodni fenomen koji je očarao svijet (FOTO)


Svakog februara nekoliko sedmica u Nacionalnom parku Yosemite posjetitelji mogu svjedočiti rijetkom prirodnom fenomenu poznatom kao “firefall” (vatreni vodopad odnosno vatropad).

Iako se čini kako je riječ o lavi koja se slijeva niz liticu, riječ je tek o optičkoj iluziji.
Naime, fenomen se događa kad sunce vodopad pogodi “iz specifičnog kuta”, piše CNN.

Snopovi svjetlosti pod određenim kutem tako stvaraju nevjerovatne prizore.

– Vodopad je veći nego je bio već neko vrijeme, zahvaljujući obilnoj kiši i snijegu”, rekao je Scott Gediman, glasnogovornik parka.

– Fenomen je postao popularan zahvaljujući društvenim mrežama. Stotine ljudi dnevno dolazi samo kako bi svjedočili tom prirodnom fenomenu, a stižu iz čitavog svijeta”, rekao je.

The Return of Firefall I had published photographs of this phenomenon last year. This year, I feel fortunate to have been one of the firsts to witness it. In fact, I just drove back home after seeing this unforgettable moment. This is the Horse tail waterfall in the Yosemite National Park. Every year for a few days in February, the sun sets at a certain angle and illuminates the waterfall in luminescent orange and red, making it look like a molten lava. More information on this phenomenon is here, http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/02/160219-yosemite-firefall-waterfall-sunset-pictures-nature/. #westcoast_exposures #majestic_earth_ #cool_capture_ #photoarena_nature #naturewhisperers #inspiring_photography_admired #dream_image #visitcalifornia #jaw_dropping_shots #gottolove_this #splendid_earth #thebest_capture #b_picturess #igs_america #ig_unitedstates #phototag_it #wildcalifornia_ #NikonLove #globalcapture #ig_exquisite #ig_impulse #viewbugfeature #usinterior #moodygrams #rawcalifornia #firefall #firefall2017

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Happy Valentine's Day- repost: this was the photo I captures on feb 13,2016 of the horsetailfall #firefall #yosemitenps #yosemiteconservancy that went viral worldwide. I thought it would be appropriate to share it again on Valentine's Day since Mother Nature gave us a great show last year with the heart shaped mist. There is still time to witness this natural phenomenon but only if weather permits. – – – #hot_shotz #wowshot #amazingphotohunter #globe_travel #igrepresent #ig_eurasia #fotogulumse #ig_photostars #igglobalclub #phototag_it #mekaanim #gununfotografi #igs_america #nature_of_the_world #worldprime #hubs_united #superb_earthpix #superhubs #ig_ikeda #nationalparkgeek #abc7eyewitness #cnnireport #yesweather

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