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Voloder is the subject of several serious investigation led by two prosecutor’s office!

istraga protiv volodera
FOTO: Fokus.ba

The fate of Ibrahim Hadžibajrić, who is being prosecuted for numerous criminal offenses, could also befall the former director of the FBiH Motorways.

As Fokus discovers, Elmedin Voloder, the former director of the FBiH Motorways, for whom the Cantonal Court in Zenica has issued an arrest warrant in connection with a series of corrupt acts committed while he was head of this public company, is the subject of several investigations.

In addition to the Prosecutor's Office of Zenica-Doboj Canton, the investigation is also being conducted by the Prosecutor's Office of Herzegovina Neretva Canton. Thus, the fate of Ibrahim Hadžibajrić, who is being prosecuted for numerous criminal offenses, could potentially befall Voloder as well

Section Poprikuša– Nemila

Today's operative action, called “Landfill”, charges Elmedin Voloder and several other employees of Motorways and other entities with criminal offenses including “association for the purpose of committing criminal offenses”, “abuse of position or authority”, “disclosure and unauthorized acquisition of trade secrets”, and “money laundering” related to the construction of the highway section near Žepče. Police officers are conducting searches at nine locations across three cantons, and early this morning they also searched Voloder's house in Sarajevo.

Unofficially, the investigation is primarily focused on the suspicious expropriation of land in the Poprikuša-Nemila section. Fokus has reported about this section in the context of dubious activities involving both the former and current management of the FBiH Motorways.

Kada je riječ o istrazi Tužilaštva HNK protiv Volodera i drugih osoba, ona se, kako saznajemo privodi kraju i odnosi se uglavnom na kriminalne radnje počinjene na dionici Vranduk – Ponirak.

Podsjetimo, Fokus je u istraživačkom tekstu objavljenom u avgustu 2022. godine otkrio kriminalne radnje na dionici Vranduk-Ponirak nadomak Zenice, a u koje je involviran i Voloder. Nakon toga objavili smo seriju tekstova o toku istrage na ovom predmetu.

The investigation by the Prosecutor's Office of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton into Elmedin Voloder and others is nearing its conclusion and primarily concerns criminal acts committed on the Vranduk-Ponirak section.

It is worth recalling that in its investigative text published in August 2022 Fokus revealed crimes committed on the Vranduk-Ponirak section near Zenica, which also involved Voloder. We have then subsequently published a series of texts about the course of investigation in this case.

Namely, following Fokus’ reports, Prosecutor’s Office of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton has in October 2022 opened the case titled “Vranduk-Ponirak”.

Lasić also questioned

Information pointing to organized criminal activities such as document falsification and other manipulations was investigated as part of the case. This includes deliberate price inflation i.e. the costs of all actions associated with the sub-section, all aimed at generating multi-million benefits for individuals.

We had published information about questioning of Voloder , but also the present director of FBiH Motorways, Denis Lasić, in March of this year.

As we have reported, individuals questioned by the Prosecutor’s Office of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, as well as by the supervisory body, stated that the damage caused on this section exceeds 50 million Euro.

By the way, the contract for the construction of the Poprikuša-Zenica North (Donja Gračanica) section, which includes the Vranduk-Ponirak subdivision, was signed on May 15, 2019. The supervision of the works is carried out by the consortium DRI Investment Management d.o.o. (Slovenia) and DIVEL d.o.o. (Sarajevo, BiH).

This section was initially supposed to be completed in August 2021. However, an annex to the contract, signed on January 26 of this year, set a new deadline for completion: March 31, 2026.