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Kad pogledate cijelu fotografiju shvatit ćete da ovo nije Meghan Markle (FOTO)


Cijeli svijet je već mjesecima opsjednut svime što ima veze sa Meghan Markle, suprugom princa Harryja.

Opsesija je kulminirala kraljevskim vjenčanjem, jer su svi željeli izgledati kao Meghan, oblačiti se i šminkati kao ona.

Sva ta medijska pompa znači da vas i najmanja sličnost sa novopečenom princezom može učiniti slavnim, bilo da ste Meghanina prijateljica ili neko ko je nekad davno poznavao.

Nešto slično događa se Erici Lauren, plus-size manekenki koja neodoljivo podsjeća na Meghan.

Erica opaske da izgleda kao Meghan prima kao veliki kompliment, a na društvenim mrežama takvih komentara ne manjka.

“Ne mogu zanemariti da postoji sličnost, čak i naše slike iz mladosti nalikuju”, kazala je Erica.

Uostalom, u nastavku pogledajte fotografije Erice s njenog Instagram profila pa procijenite sami.

A post shared by Erica Lauren M (@theericalauren) on

So last week I went to the biggest runway casting I'd ever been too, in a room full of strangers and important industry people, had to squeeze into a size Large bathing suit (?) and pull off as good of a runway walk as I know how to do. Before going I told myself to pretend I had the confidence of someone that had booked the show several times before. It's hard to remember in the moment but I think it helped my mental state haha. ? … It was such an awesome experience just being there to cast for a brand that's really being bold about diversity on the runway. To clarify, I'm not walking in the show, but I'm super excited to see the models that were selected kill it per usual on the @chromat runway at NYFW! Thank you @27pearls for the video ☺️ and shout out to my agency @bicoastalmgmt for the opportunity. … And ladies, let those thighs and back-rolls out! Embrace the shake, the lumps, the folds…we're all beautiful and deserve to be represented and wear what we want whether it's a swimsuit or not. ❤️ #celebratemysize #nyfw #diversityontherunway #visiblyplussize #nyfwss18

Objavu dijeli Erica Lauren M (@theericalauren)